The Magic is in the Message: Think Summit 2022

  • June 8 - 9, 2022
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In his Think Summit 2022 Keynote speech in New York, Phrasee CEO Parry Malm shared how brands the world loves are reimagining their marketing campaigns by ensuring the right message reaches the right person … every time.

Marketers can click a single button and send millions of messages to millions of people at the perfect time … but what if the message sucks? Then all of that effort is a big waste of time. Never forget: marketing success starts with the story and more than ever, global brands are embracing a strategy borne out of experimentation, data insights and creativity to guarantee greater customer engagement and incremental revenue from their marketing content.

Parry explained how marketers are embracing state of the art technology to generate personalized, creative messages that are not only unique to a brand’s tone of voice, but also easy to create and scale across the ever-multiplying number of channels.

Optimizing messages for greater conversion? That’s the magic behind marketing.

Language insights in the Phrasee platform

Featured presenters

Parry Malm

Parry Malm